Week 8 Internship Blog


Hello, Patrick Callaghan providing an update on my 8th week of the internship. This week’s progress on most of the things for my projects were stumped for a day due to the hurricane/tropical storm Elsa but in no major way. I have been experimenting with storyboards and attempting three to four trying to note the best way to depict the Battle of Olustee. In my mind it is a crucial part of our project, but I find myself pressured to add enough information to make the summary grip someone’s attention.

Reading has always been a hurtle for me to vault over during my educational experience so far. Staying invested and locked into the information on the pages of a book has pushed me into long nights of reading to prepare for class the next day. Even in other sources from which reading is provided all I search for is the hook or information that does drive me to read more. This objective might be the hardest to learn for something that may seem simple. Writing holds numerous cons when I compare it to reading something with pictures. Comics or graphic novels use the images to push what I read especially in an emotional or action pact moment. Furthermore movies and video games provide similar pros as comics and graphic novels but to the extreme allowing you to see and hear what is happening. In the scenario I am in in writing a summary makes the challenge more difficult due to the small amount of real estate I have to tell a “story” or build up what happened at the Battle of Olustee like books or movies.

However, I have been gaining confidence and learning just how to do so from Dr. Gannon’s class she graciously holds for us. I believe the most important part of what she has demonstrated is how you create a paper or a piece of writing. Taking the idea and putting in a boiler plate and slowly going from large to more concise all the way down to the words. With this I have taken one of my ideas and written out different ways seeing a distinct difference between my old way and her way. Transitions and the verbs that support the sentence structures are the most important part in my eyes. The flow of your work must be smooth and unerring and the verbs in the sentences push the pace and grasp the reader.

I see myself growing with my writing with the new techniques and thoughts provided from Dr. Gannon. Another aspect that she heavily puts emphasis is writing itself. As if it were a muscle or a golf swing it is important to always be writing even if it is just some wacky idea or story. I think after this internship I will be set on a path ahead many that never received the insights that I have been given. Always writing and trying to improve what has enhance the foundation that is under the potential that can come in the future.


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